Friday, February 21, 2014

The middle lane - The history of the ancient.

The place you wouldn't want to be

The weight of the world lies in your hand.

Although you are alone, people will be screaming in your face.

Time to make history

All knowledge and intelligence start from one place - the brain as we know it. However, I would rather call it the fountain of knowledge. This is a place where you have to continuously revisit in order to find what is most valuable to you. However, staying in the fountain is useless, as you need to go out into the world to gather knowledge.

We are all born in the fountain of knowledge, and in my world, 10 people can appear at a time, 5 friends and 5 foes. This was never possible, at least not before the invention of the Internet, which allowed these 10 people to be connected globally. 

I am sure you have been to Orchard road, Arab street, or Chinatown. But may I ask you, "Have you been to the middle lane?" 

Have you ever felt so important the weight of the world rests on your shoulders?

I walked down the middle lane, the air was cold, but my heart was fiery. Determined to combat whoever I am going to meet when I reach the river. I had all my plans and strategies mapped out inside my head, I was confident that I was going to earn more experience than my enemy.

I was wrong. 

While I use a spade to attack, my enemy was able to shoot orbs at me. I could not get closed to him or his minions. My minions vanished in split seconds. The whole time, I was waiting for my back up minions to arrive while staying far behind to watch them fall and my enemy killing them to earn combat experience. 

Although I could learn from watching him fight, it can never be replaced to the amount one can learn during combat. 

Hence, I had to painfully watch his head glow, indicating an increase in level, while mine will only glow much later. I was helpless.

I can still remember vividly that his eyes were white and his always had three flying orbs floating around him. Hmm... What was his name...

"Glorious invocation!"

Suddenly, he disappeared, for whatever reason, the middle lane was left to me and me alone. I took this opportunity to step forward and started killing his minions, earning both experience and money. I was finally growing, but...

"Ahhh.. First blood, as indeed I am first in everything!"

Yes... my enemy has traveled to another lane and surprised my teammates, killing them with ease. 

"Middle missing never report?!"
"What on earth is our middle lane doing"
"**** you, useless middle"
"People middle level 6, you middle level 3, well played"

and so on...

My teammates have gone rampage on me not telling them that the Invoker was missing. Ahh... His name was Invoker. 

Right at this point, I hit level 3. As you may have heard by now, when I reach level 3, I duplicate. 

It's time for some fun.

My name is Meepo. 

To be continued...

Meepo and Invoker are characters of a popular game called Defence of the Ancients (DotA). This gist of this game is simple:

1) Total of 10 players in a game. 5 in each team
2) There are 3 lanes to go to. Each lane will spawn creeps (Minions) every 1 min to fight for each team
3) Heroes earn experiences and gold in combat.
4) Every hero has 4 skills which can be learned or strengthened by every level
5) Heroes can use the gold earn to buy item, total of 6 items can be held, to increase their combat abilities. 
6) The first team to invade the other team's base and destroy their ancient wins. 


The growth of the Internet sprung the growth of the online gaming community. Much like the game of DotA, in which the Internet has allowed the connection of 10 players to be in the same game as the same time, competing for the win. 

Like how Meepo earns level, the web too gains level. Web has evolved from the simple costumer content, known as Web 1.0 to what we are seeing now, the interaction between costumer and seller, users content, reviews and much more in the form of Web 2.0. Gamers can also create their own custom maps for other players to enjoy, this is a form of user generated content when web 2.0 is all about.

Online gaming also serves as a platform for information exchange. It is also similar to social media, where people can make friends and know more about each other online when gaming together, or trading.

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